Run… Don’t Walk

My Great Good Friends,

Curious to explore the logic of progressive politicians whose politically correct policing policies do more to protect criminals than their victims, over a delicious Italian seafood repast with liberal friends I dredged up the old polemic:

If a pedestrian (of any race, but especially black) while being approached by a black person walks across the street to avoid passing, are they racist?

Good buddy Ungie took the affirmative position bolstering his contention with the usual a’priori liberal tropes; ‘all people…’, ‘relative percentage…’, ‘irrational fear based upon false statistics and fake news…’, while I took the opposite arguendo.

Good buddy Emil has settled the point :

So I was wrong; with the statistics provided by the USCB and the NYPD, one should not walk across the street in NYC when approached by a black; they should run.

While only 22.0% of NYC residents are black (2015 Census update) they commit (by NYPD arrestee):

  • 52.4% of the murders
  • 44.3% of the rapes
  • 38% of ‘other’ sex crimes
  • 59.9% of the robberies
  • 52.5% of the felonious assaults, etc., etc.
  • Oh, and 67.5% of all the shootings.

The sad irony in all of this, which my liberal friend can’t seem to accept, is the same statistics show the victims are disproportionately — to an even greater extent — also black.

You can see the entirety of the report here.


The Best Middle Eastern Geo-Politics

My Great Good Friends,

These last few weeks, vis Middle Eastern geo-politics, have been the best I can remember since Bush 1.

I have refrained from writing you for fear; a) those of you who follow events closely would think me Mr. Moto, and b) those of you who have opposed my views would think I was engaging in an unseemly end-zone celebration.

AnyHowitzer, these objective gains have brought the dialogue to an inflection point worthy of re-engaging on the new plateau.

  1. To the previous series of polemics arguing UN SCR #2334, unanimously passed in the gloaming of the Obama administration changed everything, the UN, at incredible speed for a congress of such disparate global interests, proposed resolutions enabling crippling economic sanctions on Israel.
  2. To the previous observation that Pat Buchanan was correct when he christened Capitol Hill “Israeli Occupied Territory”; every US Senator signed a letter ‘urging’ Secretary – General Antonio Guterres to “improve the UN’s treatment of Israel and eliminate anti-semitism”.And to my contention that in the post 2334 world American Zionist’s ability to protect Israel from the consequences of it’s actions is minimal: Hours after the US deputy assistant secretary of state for international organizations presented the Senate’s letter, the UN passed the UNESCO resolution in question.
  3. To my citing the elements in international law which define Israel as an apartheid state and the pushback the assertion engendered: On Wednesday of this week by a vote of 48 to 41 (proving my collateral point that there is a more meaningful debate on Israeli apartheid there than here) the Knesset approved the Nationality Law defining Israel as a state for Jews.As ‘Basic Law’ (akin to our Constitutional Law) it codifies the disenfranchisement of Israeli gentiles. And lest there be any confusion; you can watch members of the opposition being dragged from the Knesset podium screaming “apartheid”
  4. To my citing the hypocritical lie of Zionists claiming they are under attack in Israel and here:

Please see the prior missive linked to the IDF’s official tally of every ‘missile’ attack in the last 13 years. All recorded as No Damage.

And not to be outdone, the diaspora Jews have gotten infinite preferential treatment by claiming anti-semitic threats to their synagogues, schools, businesses, lives and personal property.
Virtually all of which have been exposed as false flag threats with the recent arrest of Mr. Michael Kadar a Jew holding American and Israeli citizenships.

According to Oren Segal, head of the ADL’s US Center on Extremism, the number of anti-semitic incidents last year was 1,266. Whilst Mr. Kadar has been charged with over 2,000 threats against Jewish organizations and individuals.

What a relief. Can we now have NYPD cruisers idling in front of every Catholic school too ?

I remain threshold sanguine:

  1. The world imposes strangling anti-apartheid economic sanctions.
  2. America is seen as Israel’s only ally.
  3. The nascent nationalist movement questions what is behind those who leverage their privileged positions to America’s detriment.
  4. The Zionists fifth columnists are exposed.

These are great days for freedom,